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Enabling AI in every meeting conference

Introducing Minutes-as-a-Service (MaaS) from ACTA

ACTA is useful as it allows participants to refer back to the content discussed, review important details, and capture action items and decisions made during the meeting.

  • Easily invite Acta assistant to meetings
  • Acta captures generates transcripts in minutes
  • Integrates with apps like Google Meet, Zoom, Teams

Convert your meetings into work-flow management

ACTA makes your meetings smarter and actionable

Intuitive Experience

Acta virtual assistant quite an intuitive experience.All you need to just invite [email protected] to your meeting and see the magic unfold.

Join in any conference

Acta supports Zoom, Microsoft teams and Google meet. Acta virtual assistant will join and generate classified meeting minutes


You can view complete speech to text with speaker diarization(who is talking), who participated and recap of conversation.

Meeting Minutes

From the conversational speech, acta can segregated into action points, decision and key notes, and apply sentiment analysis.

Use Cases

The Digital Transformation We Contemplate


Automate your sales calls


Automate recruiting interviews


Transform your marketing initiatives


Simplify taking notes in the classroom


Accurate transcription for media content


Automate meetings and follow-ups

How ACTA Works

Simple & clean work process


Invite ACTA Virtual Assistant

Invite ACTA Virtual Assistant via Email, SlackBot, SkypeBot or provide me the dial-in and conference details - that's it


Meeting proceeding

ACTA Virtual Assistant join in meeting as a silent participant and record conversation


Meeting minutes

Generate meeting minutes along with transcription, speaker diarization, summarization and action points

Why Choose Us

Reason for people choose us

On-premise hosting

Hosting applications on-premise means deploying and running the applications on servers and infrastructure that are physically located within your organization's premises or data center, rather than relying on a cloud-based or external hosting provider. Meeting conversations are absolutely secured.


ACTA-SaaS is particularly popular among small businesses as it is cost-effective solutions without the need for extensive in-house IT infrastructure.

News & Updates

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company news


Used Across Many Organizations


Agilean Solutions Private Limited t-hub, Hyderabad, India

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